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The Magic of Referrals

Many popular forms of marketing, such as testimonials, case studies, and customer reviews, all rely on the principle of social...

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How to Create a Great Sales Proposal

As a marketing manager, you have many responsibilities. One of the lesser known parts of your job is likely creating proposals...

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Case Studies or Testimonials: What's the Difference?

You may have noticed that here at VidOps, we’ve often used the term “case study” instead of “testimonial.” Until recently we...

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Where Should I Use Video in a Marketing Strategy?

So you’ve just made some great video content—maybe it’s a glowing testimonial, or an engaging promo—but now what? 

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Video Hosting for Digital Marketers: 5 Names You Need To Know

As video producers, we’re keenly aware of the benefits of featuring engaging video content on landing pages. In fact, according...

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Creativity: A Global Marketing Trend in 2023

The capacity to come up with new ideas, look at things from another perspective and provide clever solutions is known as ...

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Capturing the Moment: Why Digital Marketers Need Event Videos

In the constantly changing landscape of digital marketing, visual storytelling has emerged as a crucial tool for those working in...

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Why You Should Be Making Employee Testimonial Videos

By now, you know how we feel at VidOps about testimonial videos — they are extremely effective marketing techniques because they...

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The Consumer Decision-Making Process: Is There a Way to Influence It?

With so much easily accessible information and overexposure to advertising stimuli, how do consumers determine their purchasing...

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Meet our Team: Adrian Barros Serrano

Part of what makes VidOps unique is the team working behind the scenes. When you work with VidOps, you’re working with people who...

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Meet our Team: Olivia McQuarrie

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Light Your Video Conferences Like A Pro

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5 Videos for B2B Marketers (With Examples)

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5 B2B Marketing Myths

We’re all familiar with certain myths about B2B marketing — that it’s dull, corporate, and unimaginative. But marketing has...

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4 Tips to Keep Your Company’s Google Drive Running Smoothly

Google Drive and other types of cloud software can be fantastic tools to store your team’s documents all in one place. But when...

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How and Why to Incorporate Videos Into Your Marketing Strategy

Video is becoming a crucial component of content marketing. It already makes up a huge percentage of content consumed by...

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The Secret Power of Customer Reviews


When shopping online, we tend to prefer products which have a higher number of reviews. We might even choose a...

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Why Case Study Videos Increase Sales

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The Surprising Benefits of Case Study Videos

Case Study videos are some of the most popular video formats being produced in 2021. But have you considered why?

Case studies...

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Meet Our Creatives: Malachi Richking

Part of what makes VidOps special is our wide-reaching network of talented and experienced creatives. When we take on your...

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What is Video SEO?

Video content is the key to stand-out brand communications. Video can cut through the noise and illustrate your brand ethos,...

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VidOps Named One of the Best London Based Animation Companies

August has been a busy one for us here at VidOps, but we’re tearing ourselves away from our workload to share some good news.

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Meet Our Creatives: Jonty Dawson

Part of what makes VidOps special is our wide-reaching network of talented and experienced creatives. When we take on your...

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Should Our Business Produce Video In-House or Externally?

2021 has seen a huge boom in video content for businesses.

Many companies that weren’t embracing the trend a few years ago,...

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Subly: A Case Study

VidOps Client Subly raises $1m in Seed Rounds

Subly proves that accessibility and global outreach don’t need to be...

Read More A Case Study raises £3m with help from a £3k video from VidOps.

The new startup aims to target the inequality of excessive fees...

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Meet Our Creatives: Joe Lee

Part of what makes VidOps special is our wide-reaching network of talented and experienced creatives. When we take on your...

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What Businesses Need To Know: Content Delivery

As part of our new VidOps blog series, What Businesses Need to Know, we’re drawing back the curtain for a transparent look at how...

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Meet Our Creatives: Tupac Carroll

Part of what makes VidOps special is our wide-reaching network of talented and experienced creatives. When we take on your...

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Meet Our Creatives: Hugo Horvath

Part of what makes VidOps special is our wide-reaching network of talented and experienced creatives. When we take on your...

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What Businesses Need to Know: The Fundamentals of Video Content Planning

As part of our new VidOps blog series, What Businesses Need to Know, we’re drawing back the curtain for a transparent look at...

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What Businesses Need to Know: How Long Video Production Takes

As part of our new VidOps blog series, What Businesses Need to Know, we’re drawing back the curtain for a transparent look at how...

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What Businesses Need to Know: The Cost of Video Production

As part of our new VidOps blog series, What Businesses Need to Know, we’re drawing back the curtain for a transparent look at how...

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Learn From Your Competition, But Forge Your Own Path - A Thought Leadership Interview

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The Best Music Videos of 2020

Inspiration can come from anywhere, and our Head of Operations, Ross, proves that this includes unexpected avenues.


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6 Types Of Video Content Your Small Business Needs To Use

Don’t let the wide range of video content intimidate you - learn to harness effective formats to directly benefit your business.

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It Pays To Think Outside Of The Box - A Thought Leadership Interview

Common Industry are at the top of their game. A multi-award winning communications brand, they blend creative PR with brand...

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5 Lifechanging Video Content Benefits for Marketers

It’s no secret that video content has jumped to the top of marketing strategies all over the world.

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Animation : Why should I make an animated video?

We know that in business, the best way to increase sales, customer visibility and audience engagement is through creating...
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3 Cost Effective Videos for Small Businesses on a Budget

Any company with any budget should feel empowered to  take advantage of video content

“54% of consumers want to see more video...

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How To Harness Content to Build A Successful Brand ft. VidOps CEO

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Why The Future Of Marketing Needs Video

Online video, with a few exceptions, is essential for marketing. Utilizing Video content, marketers can gain far more data about...

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5 of The Best Startup Promo Videos Of All Time

  1. Warby Parker

Warby Parker is an American, cost-effective glasses company. This promo had all the right elements to it. It was...

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5 Reasons Why The Answer Is Always Video

In business, it is a known fact that great marketing leads to an even greater amount of sales and in this day and age, that...

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How to increase sales using visual content?

"80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing"

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6 Reasons You Need to Incorporate Video Into Your Marketing Mix

Do you feel lead and client engagement (or worse, sales!) dropping? If so, incorporating a video marketing strategy has many...

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Workflows : a McDonalds Case Study

Workflow is a bit of a business buzzword, but what is a workflow and why are they important?

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Video Production Tips Leading Up to Your Shoot Day

When it comes to content creation, I think we can all agree that video is the king. That’s not just because I work for a video...

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The benefits of video in sales + marketing today

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