"80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing"

Over the past thirteen years, the world has seen one of the greatest technological shifts in our history. Every person is just a click away, meaning that the world is more connected than it’s ever been. We’ve all been on Instagram, scrolling from post to post until we find that viral video, the video that rocks the world. Whether it be a skit or a product, no one can deny that anything has the potential to reach far and wide in an instant with the help of social media. Naturally, a bigger market place also means more competition, so it is essential that you have a consistent marketing strategy and a reliable group of content creators backing you every step of the way.
The old fashioned way
You may be thinking, “What’s happened to the classic cold-calling salesman?” In all truth, the classic sales technique has expired…but, it is not gone. The problem with it was that salesmen became too persistent, constantly calling or knocking on your front door. This caused people to resent the system and eventually, distrust it. The world needed a change, and it got one. A modern salesman does not attempt to please individuals but instead, the masses. Without relying on your customers to tell all their friends about your product, you can now tap into and appeal to multiple demographics at once. In general, people don’t like to feel forced, especially when money is involved. Nowadays, salesmen need to get innovative, the first step would be social media. Instagram and Twitter etc. have a way of seeming subtle when it comes to promotional videos, which is key to sales in this day and age. As I said previously, people don’t like to be forced but they still love to buy.
According to a 2018 social media marketing report, a staggering “80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing. Video (63%), alone, has surpassed blogging (60%) in usage on social media platforms.” This clearly indicates that the world would rather watch something rather than read it (a bit ironic for the guy who’s writing this article). There are many benefits regarding video marketing, the main ones being increased network traffic and exposure. Videos also let the audience develop a relationship with the product or influencer, moving me on to my next question, “Who are the real salesmen?”
Who are the real salesmen?
One of the most common forms of marketing in this day and age is endorsement deals with influencers. Influencers range in popularity, from people like the Instagram giant, Kylie Jenner with 195 million followers to your average Joe with 20,000 followers. Having said that, there seems to be a formula. If you take an influencer and have them record themselves with your product, you are almost guaranteed to make sales. Your average mid-tier YouTuber can earn up to $3,000 US dollars a day from sponsors, now let’s say you are uploading three videos a week, now imagine what the returns would be after one year…I know, right!
The Digital Age

As technology advances, so does the quality of video. Up until 11-13 years ago, the gold standard of video was photochemical otherwise known as analogue or film cameras. Companies like ARRI, Canon, Panavision and Panasonic have been forced to adapt to the new industry standard due to its lower cost and easier mobility. The person who was at the forefront of the digital revolution was none other than the man himself, George Lucas, who had been pushing forth and testing out digital technology since the 90s. These days, if high definition is what you want, high definition is what you’re gonna get.
What’s more important? The camera or the team?
A lot of people say, if you want to make a film, just pick up the camera and make it, which is true as an individual or at an amateur level but with all the verified vlogs, videos and skits we see online, we don’t see the team behind the camera. There are many people who think that these videos get filmed in a matter of minutes when the reality is, that there is a big team behind the camera who have carefully planned each video to be as fulfilling as its predecessor. There are three keys to a successful production; planning, execution and teamwork. Surprisingly, not all video-marketing companies in and around London follow these steps, and if they do, usually it is very expensive, meaning that for smaller companies, it is not cost-effective. That’s why here at VidOps, we aim to do things differently, with a small, reliable and collaborative team that caters your video to your needs at an affordable price.
Is video-marketing worth it?
Hell yeah it is! These days, in the world of marketing, social media is everything. Constantly providing content will give your customers an opportunity to develop more of a relationship with your brand and create awareness. With any company, attracting customers always starts with how you market it. One should always try and be innovative with how they get their name out there and that’s why we’re here. VidOps will help you achieve your marketing goals. So don’t be shy! Give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be there for you.
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